26 November 2006

From dachaidh to szülőhaza

(blasted online translators!)

Heading off to Budapest on Monday. I'll let you know how it goes.

Tonight I saw Pan's Labyrinth, which may, in fact, be the best movie I've seen in a cinema this year. Let me think now . . . Volver was great, Red Road was really great, Children of Men hit close, I still haven't had a chance to see The Science of Sleep, Inside Man was excellent, Quinceañera was surprisingly touching . . . no, so far Pan's Labyrinth has been the best (I've, of course, failed to mention the scores of decent, mediocre, and awful films I've watched in cinemas this year, and failed to consider possible other great films I haven't yet caught).

[except possibly for Orfeu Negro, which I saw during the Seattle Film Festival, though I'm not sure it's fair to count the Brazilian masterpiece, as it is more than fourty-five years old, and it was just by {incredibly} lucky chance I got to see it in a theater last summer.]

Pan's Labyrinth is great, it is beautiful, it is brutal, a fairy-tale for adults, well-paced, brilliantly acted, beautifully shot, well-written, with such a visceral contrast between innocence and brutality, beauty and hideousness . . . It's both the reason I don't make movies (it's the story I might want to tell, told better than I could ever tell it), and the reason I want to make movies (inspirational, thought-provoking). It's not the best film ever made, or the best story ever told, but it's fucking good. Incredibly violent and fairly humorless, but if you can stomach these things, it is highly, highly recommended.

(I think it will be in the states at the end of December. Don't sit behind a tall man, it is subtitled.)

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