20 November 2006

movie geek

I submit for your consideration:

Rod Steiger as Juan Miranda in "A Fistful of Dynamite" versus Al Pacino as Tony Montana in "Scarface"

Attention should be paid to the fact that the Leone film came out 12 years before De Palma's classic. I suggest no foul play, only one actor building on and borrowing from another. I've always considered Pacino's performance in "Scarface" to be an absolute masterpiece . . . and yet, after watching "A Fistful of Dynamite" (aka Duck You Sucker!) tonight, I have to say Pacino's performance completely pales in comparison to the depth and compassion Steiger gives his tough Mexican. Perhaps part of the beauty of Pacino's Scarface is in the over-acting, the dramatic flair he lends. But considering that it is clearly built on the groundwork set by Steiger, I have to say the subtlety with which Juan Miranda is endued is much more powerful. It is the beauty of the sublime that stands out here against the thrill of the garish that came after.

In related news, if you get a chance to see "Your Vice Is A Locked Room And Only I Have The Key," do not, I say DO NOT pass it up. Complete fucking masterpiece.

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