19 March 2007

I forgot to learn not to forget what I learned

pearls of wisdom from the jana of one year ago:

Yes, as far as I can see it, the more you learn, the less you know. Truths that seemed so concrete dissolve before your eyes. Values you held so dear become trite and confused. The very fabric you thought held the world together turns out to be nothing more than a glare from the sun, and it comes and goes as the earth turns in orbit. The search for knowledge is futile, and yet, YET, it is our ultimate nature to keep searching, even when all hope seems lost, even when any concept of TRUTH becomes just another hidden message written in disappearing ink. Search until the day we die, and maybe, maybe in that final moment some illumination is provided. Or if we’re lucky, learn before the end the ultimate truth, the one that hints itself at us our whole lives but that we are much to logical of creatures to ever believe – this world is chaos, there is no understanding, no KNOWING. I guess, as long as we can keep the journey as fulfilling as possible, that’s really the key.

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