02 December 2007

Scratch that, reverse it

Ok, last post about Wes Anderson. I promise. I think. I take back what I said about his female characters -- I've just been rewatching Rushmore, and I don't think I was right. The fact is that Anderson tells stories about immature man-children (man-childs?). All his movies center around male characters suffering from acute arrested development. The female characters are treated the way they are because that is how the male characters view them -- they are immature characters, so naturally they will have an immature understanding of women, not as autonomous beings, but as these sort of savior/object of desire/object of frustration individuals. Also, the absence of or failure of the father figures naturally compels the males to seek comfort in a maternal ideal.

Now I sound like all the media texts that used to drive me crazy in college. My point is that I changed my mind. I don't think Wes Anderson is immature or sexist. His characters are.

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