24 October 2006

Holy shit I'm wired

my computer came today. now i can write dull or foolish or regretfully sent while drunk emails and blog posts. thank god for modern technology. art school is turning me into . . . one of them? would you like to hear what i'm currently reading? sure you would:

'Hallucinations and Their Impact on Art' - Dr. E.M.R. Critchley
'The Psychology of Visual Illusion' - Robinson
'The Politics of Pictures' - John Hartley
'Looking at Art From the Inside Out' - Mary Mathews Gedo
'Camouflage' - Scottish Arts Council
'War: Art and Society One' - Ken Baynes
'Man and His Symbols' - Carl Jung
and, of course, 'Radio Free Albemuth,' the last novel written by Philip K. Dick

I'm also making a film of squirrels burying nuts. Which reminds me, I'd better get to it. The winter is fast approaching, and before I know it all the nuts will be buried.

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