05 November 2006

Vulpes Homosexual

The texture of quinoa is the same as fish roe, makes me crave the Queen Anne sushi joint I used to frequent in Seattle. Reminds me of a birthday dinner of delicious raw fish and warm sake shared with a good friend. "This will be the year," I may have uttered. "Holy shit I'm moving to Scotland," I may have silently thought, as birthday was the day I discovered I'd be coming.

I process my experiences and emotional responses to them through visual metaphors, which I can then, if needed, translate into words. I don't know if this is a universal human experience or something more unique. Perhaps some research is in order. Here are some examples:

Devestating weekend with ex-boyfriend = Confused bear holding the remains of shredded psyche dangling from sharp claws

Delusional thinking = Small spider spinning intricate web in the hopes of capturing moths and placing them into a digestible context

Slept until 1300 today and it is a dark day in Edinburgh. Getting dark as soon as it was light. Note to self: Don't sleep so late, and stop listening to so much Kings of Convenience. Today is Guy Fawkes Day. I'm not entirely sure what that means apart from kids setting off fireworks in the Links [read: park + municipal low-par golf greens] across the street from my flat. Perhaps some research is in order. Note to self: Research Visual Metaphor and Guy Fawkes Day. Note to self: Get out of bed.

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