16 January 2007

a SAD day in Edinburgh

Judging by the fact that today and over the last weekend, I only managed to get out of the house a total of three times, two of which were to sit in a coffee shop alone and write, all of which took place after the sun had set, and judging by the fact that I'm finding it fairly impossible to get out of the house, or even out of bed, before 3 in the afternoon, (not to mention the paranoid dillusions creeping in), I think it's fair to say that the dreaded SAD (the most brilliantly acronym-d disorder ever created), or Seasonal Affected Disorder, has wrapped it's viscera-stained talons about my already weakened psyche. Do you, by any chance, happen to know of anyone who might have a SAD light box I could borrow? I realize the chances are fairly slim, but for some reason I thought if anybody knew of the location of such a therapeutic light-emitting device, it would be you. Any help would be greatly appreciated and rewarded with triple-distilled single malt whisky.

Thank you for your time.

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