22 January 2007

The squirrels always do quite well, don't they?

I put up some photos from Hogmanay -- the torch procession, the viking long boat and the wicker bear, some fireworks, and sunset on new year's eve. There's pictures from Paris as well, if you haven't seen them.

My squirrel video won an award. As my friend Donald in the animation department put it, "They always do well, don't they? Squirrels, I mean." You can see it on my website, or I think you can see it on youtube as well. Anyway, follow the links to the right -------------------------------->
to see the photos and videos. I'm almost done with a new video, and a new animation, so look for those in the next week or so, if you're interested.

Am I just telling myself that I'm watching American Television Dramas because I'm researching "narratives" because I feel guilty about it otherwise? Or is it actually useful? Story lines in tv are always so obvious, with stupefying exposition-as-dialogue. But seriously, the first season of Lost . . . it's so good. Ah, I have a weak will.

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